
The mission of Easley Bible Methodist.

A Place to Learn

There are many voices in the world clamoring for your attention and affection. In a chaotic world, with many opinions and beliefs, we exist to connect you with your Creator, God. We want to help you learn to know your Creator. Not just to know about Him, but to know Him personally and relationally.


A Place to Grow

As you learn about God and how to relate to Him, we desire to help you grow in your faith. God intends for you to grow in your spiritual walk with Christ. As you study His word and interact in His kingdom, you can grow in your faith and use your gifts for His glory.


A Place to Belong

Everyone wants to belong to something bigger than themselves. It’s one of the reasons people look forward to going home; they’re going to a place they belong.  We exist as a place that gives purpose and belonging in the Kingdom of God.  In other words, we want you to feel at home at EBMC…because it’s a place to belong.